
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2022


One big part of how I spend my time is watching series and movies, this is mostly because I enjoy it, but also because I learn from every movie that I watch, and many times I have as homework watch a movie, most of this movies aren't in mainstream platforms (as I said in one previous blog), so many times I have to search the movie in the internet. One web page that I often use is cuevana (  https://www1.cuevana3.vc  ), this is a website that has several movies and series, even the ones that are recently premiered. Is very easy to use, as the platforms, you just need to search the movie and play it.  I have to use this website at least twice at moth, because most of the movies that I have to watch for the university aren't  mainstream. But to be honest, this website doest have everything either, so i have to use others website or an application for the computer call Stremio, that application use algorithms to search the movie in the hole internet, so in general is better than cu

How can my mayor make the world a better place.

 The industry of cinema is really a ver good tool to change the world, and it has been since their creation. For the reach that has this area, is a very easy way to spread a message and an idea around the world. But this hasn't been necessary for good, in fact nazi propaganda was very successful for the techniques use in the nazi film making. Another example of bad use of cinema for the world is how the EEUU use movies to control their image. But as it can be use for bad it can be use for good. If I think in myself and how can i use my knowledge for make the world a better place, I see two ways, the first one would be making documentaries of relevants topics in the world. And the second one it would be making comedy series and make the day better for some people making they laugh.  personally I would prefer the second one, because I think that match more whit who I am, but this ways are not necessary exclusive, I can do both things.

My Favourite Food

I´m not really a man of favorites things, I like many things and really depends on the moment what is what I want, specilally whit food, in general I like fast food, burgers (specially whit onion rings, cheddar and bbq), pizza, sushi, etc. I like all that food. Since I was a child I have eat a lot of meet, but one period of my life I was a vegetarian so I learned to eat another things, so, as I was saying I´m not a person of favorites things,  but if i have to choose one thing it would be avocado whitout a doubt. I love avocado, if a I can eat it I will eat it, I guess is something that I inherited from my mum, she have always like avocado too much, so in general avocado is something that doesn't lack in the house. One of the thing that I like of avocado, besides the flavor, is that it fits whit almost every meal, is good whit bread, in salad, in burgers, in tacos, ceviche, sushi,  even whit pizza is good. Plus is a very healthy frute,  many doctors recommended eat avocado for all

My favourite piece of technology

 Since I was a child I have had a close relationship whit technology, at that time one of my favorites ways to spend my time was playing videogames in playstation, I remember that whit my mum and my brother all Sundays mornings were for go to Feria or Persa to buy one movie and one videogame (all pirate), so the video game was for the afternoon after lunch, and the movie for the night. But now I don't play that much, I still own a playstation but I use it mostly for watching series or movies in the platforms, so I would say that now my favourite piece of technology are smarts tv, because I can watch several series and movies, this because are very easy and confortable to use, in one tv i have all the platforms that I use, so I am only one click away to watch anything. Although there is many movies that aren't in the mainstreams platforms, so I often use the computer to watch movies, but in general I prefer the smarts tv for the confort it offers. I would recommend this  apparat

Why did a choose my mayor.

When I was a child I never though well what I wanted to study, it was at the last year of high school that a decided to study natural resources engineering because I wanted to do the world a better place, but,  as I said in the previous blog, I choose to change my mayor during the quarantine in 2020,  it was at that time that a decided tu study cine and television, and the mayor reason was because a liked the idea of study a career more practical than theoretical, so I started to search information of this mayor, it was not an easy decision, my whole life  I have been better in ciencie and math than anything artistic, but I was bored of study that tipe of things and I realiza that I didn't want to work in that area, so I froze my career and I signed in two curses of topics related whit cinema in different houses of study,  when I finish this curses I confirmed that my destiny was in the film industry, so finally I changed my mayor.